Quando no Natal a mana me desafiou a ter um diário gráfico, nunca eu imaginei que fosse desenhar o que quer que fosse. Achava eu que o iria preencher com letras e recortes...Alterei as regras, se é que as há para estas coisas, e daquele livro em branco nasceu algo onde eu ía rabiscando alguns projectos concretizáveis ou não.
When at Christmas my sister chalenged me to have a journal I never imagined that I would draw a single line. I thought I would fill the pages with letters and magazine scraps... I changed the rules, if there are any and from those blank pages I made something mine, scribbling some projects (some of which will never come out of the paper, I'm sure!).
Chegou ao fim, o caderno. Tomei-lhe o gosto e já iniciei o segundo.
No entanto se quiserem ver desenhos a sério cliquem aqui ou ali e sigam as barras laterais de links. Verão que vale a pena!
When at Christmas my sister chalenged me to have a journal I never imagined that I would draw a single line. I thought I would fill the pages with letters and magazine scraps... I changed the rules, if there are any and from those blank pages I made something mine, scribbling some projects (some of which will never come out of the paper, I'm sure!).
It's finished, the journal. The experience was so nice that I've already started a second one.
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