domingo, 13 de dezembro de 2009

Sunday stash # twenty two

Comprei este livro para oferecer no Natal, mas chegou-me ligeiramente danificado e como tal tive de alterar os planos, pois não quero arriscar uma nova encomenda tão próxima da data da oferta. Fico eu com ele! (nada perdido...)
Quanto aos tecidos trouxe-os da Dot Quilts, aquando da minha ida a Lisboa. Nesse dia a loja estava cheia e o pouco tempo que lá estive foi recheado de momentos simpáticos :-D
I ordered this book to offer as a Chirstmas present but as I was going through it I found that it was a bit damaged and now it's a bit late to risk another online purchase. I had to change plans and I'll keep the book for me.
Regarding the fabrics I bought them from Dot Quilts, when I last went to Lisbon. That day the shop was full and I had a nice time while I was there :-D

10 comentários:

  1. São lindos esses tecidos!

  2. Também tenho dois desses comprados lá. Que bom gosto!

  3. I love red and turquoise together. That line was nice.

  4. Hi! Thanks for dropping by on my blog! :) The fabrics are gorgeous. I have never bought jelly rolls (somehow I think they are quite expensive for only strips of fabric) but I'd love to have a peek inside that book!

  5. Nicole: I share the same opinion about Jelly Rolls. I've never bought one myself and I don't think I'll ever buy any. What is nice about the book is that the instructions are very clear and it tells you how to cut your own straps from a piece of fabric.

  6. I love the fabrics, such a shame about the book not being right. Thankfully I have been lucky with my online purchases and have not had any trouble of that nature :)

  7. Olá Margarida,

    Não queres participar no desafio Christmas Decorations? Envia-me fotos da tua coroa, estou curiosa...


  8. Becky: I've bought all my books through the internet and this was the first time that it happened, so I cannot complain about it :-)

    Ana: Ainda não a fiz...a falta de tempo aliada à preguiça e ao frio que se faz sentir no atelier não têm ajudado...

  9. It's a shame that the book was damaged...but now it's yours! :) Lovely fabrics.

  10. São lindíssimos!
    Uma optima escolha.


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