quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012

I Knit: a shop with a pet!

No Sábado tinha planeado ir até à I Knit e mais tarde à Drink, Shop & Do, mas troquei as voltas e quando cheguei à primeira já era bastante tarde - quase à hora de fechar! Não faz mal, pois oportunidades não faltarão :-)
A I Knit é um espaço onde apetece estar :-) A profusão de cor entra-nos logo pelos olhos, o que me deixou um pouco confusa de início, mas depois habituei-me. O melhor é lá ir com algo em mente, pois a escolha é tão grande que o mais certo é ficarmos perdidas entre fios, livros e acessórios (BTW: comprei umas agulhas de madeira, mas cúbicas - nunca tinha visto! - que já experimentei e recomendo). Tenho pena que já fosse noite e estivesse a fechar, pois isso inibiu-me um pouco de ficar lá mais tempo e ver tudo ao pormenor.
Aqui não falta nada, nem mesmo uma mascote!!! :-)

Last Saturday I had planned a visit to I Knit and then a tea at Drink, Shop & Do, but I had to do other things and when I got to the first place it was too late - it was nearly closing! It's ok, because I'll have other opportunities :-)
I Knit feels a bit like home :-) It's so colourful that my eyes were a bit confused until they got used to it. The best thing is to go there with something in mind, otherwise you'll feel lost among the variety of yarns, books and accessories (BTW: I bought a pair of wooden needles that are cubic - I had never seen such a thing! - which I've tried and highly recommend). It was a shame that it was already dark and the shop was about to close, so I didn't feel comfortable to stay longer and go through everythin in there.
There's nothing missing in this shop, not even a pet!!!:-)

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