domingo, 27 de setembro de 2009
4 de 7 / 4 out of 7

sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2009
Preto e Branco / Black and White

quarta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2009
Cores de Outono / Autumn colours

Gastar ou desperdiçar?/ Spend or waste?
Um dos atractivos de trabalhar na Quinta do Lago é ter por perto um quiosque quase exclusivo da imprensa internacional, onde não é difícil encontrar uma boa revista; é sim complicado escolher a que trazer. Há dias em que evito lá entrar, pois raramente saio de mãos vazias...

segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2009
Sobremesa / Dessert

domingo, 20 de setembro de 2009
One craft a day, keeps the doctor away

sábado, 19 de setembro de 2009
Menos uma preocupação /One less thing to worry about

quinta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2009
Mother made it

I gave up of the clutch, at least for today. I'm feeling tired from work and not very patient to deal with broken stitches and bended needles and when everything starts to go wrong, it's better to stop.
Meanwhile my mother was in her sewing room making this pouches. Two of them are already mine (and I've filled them with my stuff:-)) and the other two are to whomever wants them. They were made of an advertising hoarding, transparant plastic in the front and they close with a zipper.

WIP: Pixie Bag

segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2009
Presentes de aniversário /Birthday presents
Ainda não tive tempo para os ler, mas já percebi que têm dicas interessantes que acompanham as maravilhosas fotografias do que pretendem retratar.
P´ró menino e p'rá menina / For boys and girls
Despite the effort I couldn't resist and fell in love with this japanese linen, which from my p0int of view also fits a boy :-), or doesn't?
quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2009
Inspiração/ Inspiration
O Craft Hope nasceu nos Estados Unidos e teve como missão reunir bonecos feitos artesanalmente para serem entregues a crianças necessitadas de uma instituição em particular. Lançaram o apelo e as expectativas foram largamente ultrapassadas. Com um dos vários projectos pensavam que conseguiriam apenas reunir 30 ou quarenta bonecas, mas no final obtiveram um supreendente número de 405 peças feitas à mão, todas ou quase todas acompanhadas de doces mensagens para os destinatários.
O segundo projecto (De Coração), também localizado no outro lado do Atlântico nasceu em Fevereiro de 2009 e tem como objectivo angariar brinquedos e bonecos feitos à mão para serem distribuidos por instituições no final deste ano
Com este post deixo apenas um pedido: divulguem esta ideia, ponham as ideias a fervilhar e quem sabe não nos juntamos e fazemos algo do género? Pensem nisto, sim?

I don’t know if you’ve realised but the last two Thursdays have been dedicated to the theme “Inspiration”. Today it’s not an exception and just by chance I got to know about two projects that really meet the word INSPIRATION.
Craft Hope started in the USA and one of its projects was to gather handmade dolls to be handed in to children in an orphanage. First they thought they could get 30 or 40 dolls but in the end they received 405 handmade dolls, most of them came with a special message from the crafter who made it.
The second project(From Heart) was also born overseas, on the other side of the Atlantic, in February 2009 and it aims to get handmade dolls and toys to be given to poor children by the end of the year.
Now, may I ask you a little favour? Spread this good news, put your bright minds to work and who knows one of these days we make something similar? Think about it, ok?

segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2009
Do fim de semana / From the weekend

quinta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2009
Inspiração /Inspiration
We've always felt fascinated about books. I think we got this from our grandparents as our parents are not readers as we are. I remember when I was seven and was hospitalised for a long period I was known by "the bbok eater"; everyday my stock of books had to be renewed. I must have read all the Anita (look at the link to find the equivalent in your country) books and the same amount from Verbo publishers. Well, my sister didn't do any better: she used to spend long hours sitting on granny's corridor floor taking down all the books from the shelves and looking at them carefully; she also had this habit of scribbling notebooks and then made us read what she had "written". Good memories from our childhood...
Today when we pass by a bookshop we have to go in and feel the smell of new books, go through book covers, feel the atmosphere... this is something irresisteble, that's is why, despite the variety we find on the web, it is much more pleasant to buy them from the "real" bookshops.
Sometimes I buy books just because I like the covers, and that may be a reason for not buying as many as usual recently: I'm sick of looking at covers that are images from films or chosen from a image website. Maybe because of that I felt in love with this book as soon as I saw it a few months ago in Bertrand. Making use of a voucher ( that should never be waisted) I bought it on Monday to read while traveling by train. With this purchase I got another voucher (yuppiiiii!!!!) and now I'm thinking about buying one of these - the difficult part will be to choose which.

quarta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2009
Mais flores / More flowers