Receita do pão:
(adaptada à Bimby)
2 chávenas de All-bran
2 chávenas de leite
1, 5 chávena de mistura de frutos secos (eu usei passas, tamaras, alperces e ameixas)
1 chávena de açúcar
3 ovos
2 chávenas de farinha
1 colher de chá de fermento
Albran + leite - 4 minuts/vel. 1/ 37ºC
+ frutos - 10seg/vel 4
+ açúcar - 5 seg/vel 2
+ ovos - 20 seg/ vel 2
+ farinha e fermento - 2 min/ vel. espiga
deita-se numa forma de bolo inglês untada ou forrada com papel vegetal e vai ao forno 40 min/170ºC

What does one thing have to do with the other? Everything! While the bread was baking in the oven I was making this t-shirt ( I tried to be inspired by the delicious smell that was allover the place...), this time inspired by Tilda motifs. This one will go to a little 6 months boy. This is the first t-shirt I make for a boy and let me tell you that it is much easier to make them for girls...
All-bran bread recipe:
(this was adapted to be made in the Thermomix)
2 cups of All-bran
2 cups of milk
1, 5 cup of mixed dried fruits (I used prunes, dates, peaches and raisins)
1 cup of sugar
3 egs
2 cups of self-raising flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder
Albran+ milk - 4 minuts/speed 1/ 37ºC
+ fruits - 10seg/speed 4
+ sugar - 5 seg/speed 2
+ eggs - 20 seg/ speed 2
+ flower and baking powder - 2 min/ kneading speed
Bake it in a loaf tin - greased and/or lined - for about 40 minutes at 170ºC.
Parabens voçês fazem coisas lindissimas.....
ResponderEliminarbjs fatima
Obrigada, Fátima :-)
ResponderEliminarThe t-shirt is lovely. Very cute :)
ResponderEliminarVocês são lindas!!! os vossos trabalhos nem se fala!
ResponderEliminarParabéns, um beijo à mãe e bom dia no Campo.
Forte Abraço da Mer.
DUAS MANAS,MUITO ESPECIAIS!Voces fazem de tudo,acreditem que para mim e um encanto,sao doces,pao e entao os guardanapos e malas eu pasmo.Isto que digo nao e nada,mas e do coraçao,voces sao autenticas princesas do seculo XX.Parabens aos papas.Beijinhos da maria AÇORES