We've always felt fascinated about books. I think we got this from our grandparents as our parents are not readers as we are. I remember when I was seven and was hospitalised for a long period I was known by "the bbok eater"; everyday my stock of books had to be renewed. I must have read all the Anita (look at the link to find the equivalent in your country) books and the same amount from Verbo publishers. Well, my sister didn't do any better: she used to spend long hours sitting on granny's corridor floor taking down all the books from the shelves and looking at them carefully; she also had this habit of scribbling notebooks and then made us read what she had "written". Good memories from our childhood...
Today when we pass by a bookshop we have to go in and feel the smell of new books, go through book covers, feel the atmosphere... this is something irresisteble, that's is why, despite the variety we find on the web, it is much more pleasant to buy them from the "real" bookshops.
Sometimes I buy books just because I like the covers, and that may be a reason for not buying as many as usual recently: I'm sick of looking at covers that are images from films or chosen from a image website. Maybe because of that I felt in love with this book as soon as I saw it a few months ago in Bertrand. Making use of a voucher ( that should never be waisted) I bought it on Monday to read while traveling by train. With this purchase I got another voucher (yuppiiiii!!!!) and now I'm thinking about buying one of these - the difficult part will be to choose which.
e que tal o livro, era bom?